Dear Friends of Slavyanka Chorus,
If you have landed here on our Donations page as a result of my recent letter to you appealing for support for Slavyanka Chorus, thank you for responding. You may donate directly to the Chorus via several options.
You can also write a check if you prefer – make it out to Slavyanka Chorus and mail it to our Treasurer Tom Warrington,128 H Lane, Novato, California 94945.

At your leisure we hope you will visit our website to learn about the history of our Chorus, what we do, hear some of our music and much more. Just click on the website Menu button.
For new visitors to our website here is my letter sent recently to or friends, fans and alumni.
So many letters I get these days start off by talking about what a difficult year this has been! I want to talk with you instead about what gets us through tough times.
Do you remember a time when music said something you needed to hear at a difficult time for you? Maybe it was a song on the radio when you were discouraged. Or the words of a hymn when you were grieving. A song that said something to you when you could not find just the right words to say before. A piece of music that somehow opened a door inside and allowed you to have some feeling you never knew you had. Music has the power to do all of that.
I will not kid you. Not being able to gather and sing together this last year has been hard for all choral groups, including us. Nevertheless, we have persisted – with “ZOOM rehearsals”, individual vocal work, Russian culture evenings, and now even some software that allows us to sing together online. And here is the good news - we have discovered all over again that our repertoire is way more than entertainment.
There is a spiritual and emotional depth within this music that can lift us up in hope and even joy – and can also sustain us in tough times as it has sustained generations before us. This is worth sharing. We want to continue sharing our music.
I am of course also writing because we need your help to see us through. We are committed to paying Irina’s salary and benefits and to cover all the expenses that come with being a musical organization. But the loss of 50% of our income from concerts has grievously affected our finances. Our members are doing their part – some of our singers have already paid their dues well into next year. We are also heartened to see that many of our donors have given more this year than normal.
Paul S. Andrews, President
Slavyanka Chorus